Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Free Software to do Statistical Analysis

Recently I was working on a project which requires analysis of thousands of traffic data. Unfortunately, I have to use Excel since I don't have access to software like SPSS or SAP. Excel gave me a headache because it runs slowly and you cannot easily generate some special graphs and change the settings.
A friend recommended R -a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics developed at Bell Laboratories.
R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and can produce well-designed plots. Users have full control (I like it!).
Most of all, it is Free Software :)

Insert the Number of Pages in Word 2007

In earlier versions of Word, it is quite simple to insert Page Number and the Number of Pages since these two options are placed next to each other on the same menu.
But in Word 2007, it took me a while to find out the Number of Page option:
Insert -> Quick Parts->Field->NumPages

Hey, isn't it a frequently used option? Why hide it so deep??